Los mayores bancos en el mundo: ¿en realidad son tan grandes?
Hoy traigo un gráfico de The Economist sobre cómo a ido cambiando a través de los años, la nacionalidad de los bancos principales (de mayor tamaño) en el mundo, seguido de un estudio del FMI sobre los mayores bancos del mundo.
Bigger big banks
Jun 30th 2014, 14:06 by L.P., R.L.W. and K.N.C.
A decade ago, Europe counted five banks among the world's top ten. Today there is only one, HSBC. During that time Chinese banks not only made the list, but vaulted into the top two places, according to annual rankings by The Banker released on June 30th. Last year China Construction Bank shoved aside America's JPMorgan Chase to become second largest in terms of tier-one capital. ICBC (formerly known as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) kept the top spot; with more than $200 billion, it is also the world's most profitable bank. Though Japan's Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group is close to leaving the list altogether, until 2007 its $117 billion heft would have made it the world's biggest bank. Despite regulations designed to keep banks' ambitions modest so that none are too big to fail, today's groups are larger than ever. Global banking profits are at a record high of $920 billion—a third from Chinese banks alone.
Jun 30th 2014, 14:06 by L.P., R.L.W. and K.N.C.
A decade ago, Europe counted five banks among the world's top ten. Today there is only one, HSBC. During that time Chinese banks not only made the list, but vaulted into the top two places, according to annual rankings by The Banker released on June 30th. Last year China Construction Bank shoved aside America's JPMorgan Chase to become second largest in terms of tier-one capital. ICBC (formerly known as Industrial and Commercial Bank of China) kept the top spot; with more than $200 billion, it is also the world's most profitable bank. Though Japan's Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group is close to leaving the list altogether, until 2007 its $117 billion heft would have made it the world's biggest bank. Despite regulations designed to keep banks' ambitions modest so that none are too big to fail, today's groups are larger than ever. Global banking profits are at a record high of $920 billion—a third from Chinese banks alone.
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The Economist |
Una pregunta que nos hacemos a menudo: ¿Son los bancos tan grandes? (Are Banks Too Large? Maybe, Maybe Not) un estudio de Luc Laeven, Lev Ratnovski, and Hui Tong.
Es un estudio de sección cruzada de grandes bancos en 52 países, y se encontró que los mayores bancos suponene en realidad un mayor riesgo sistemico, más no a nivel individual. A continuación, se presenta el resumen de los resultados a través de una serie de figuras: La Figura 1 muestra cómo el tamaño del balance de los bancos más grandes del mundo aumentó de dos a cuatro veces en los 10 años anteriores a la crisis. La Figura 2 ilustra cómo los bancos pasaron de los préstamos tradicionales hacia actividades orientadas a los mercados de valores. Además, los grandes bancos parecen tener un modelo de negocio diferenciado arriesgado. Tienden a tener al mismo tiempo un bajo capital (Figura 3), una financiación menos estable (Figura 4), más actividades basadas en los mercados (Figura 5), y ser más organizativamente complejos que los bancos más pequeños (Figura 6).