Data Analytics with Tableau: The Trend Lines Models
Tableau is a Business Intelligence and analytics software that helps data scientists and researcher analyze data. The main objective is to show how works the trend lines models in Tableau. We compare the results between the models and give some recommendation to choose the best trend model based on their data and know how to best interpret the statistical summary of their regression models. The database contains the Market Risk Premium (MRP) from seven Latin America countries from 2012 to 2018. We execute all trend Line models available in Tableau with his respective visual and data analysis. We find that all estimated models have good fit measures. In this case, the best model is the linear trend model. Finally, the visual analysis shows a constant tendency in the region and the exceptions that, we expected to up or down from the average for the rest of the region.
Keywords: Market Risk Premium, Trend Lines, Visual Analytics, Latin America, Tableau.
Zorrilla Salgador, J.P. (2018). Data Analytics with Tableau: The Trend Lines Models (November 11, 2018). Available at SSRN: