Recommended articles: Finance (included FinTech) and Financial Markets

I. Articles: What is Fund Management? Top 8 styles and types ( WallStreetMojo ). Beyond Fintech: A Pragmatic Assessment Of Disruptive Potential In Financial Services ( Report , The Big Picture - WEF). Explaining Swaps, or How to Hedge Currencies: QuickTake Q and A ( Bloomberg ). II. Papers: The FinTech Opportunity: This paper assesses the potential impact of FinTech on the finance industry. I document first that financial services remain surprisingly expensive, which explains the emergence of new entrants. I then argue that the current regulatory approach is subject to significant political economy and coordination costs, and therefore unlikely to deliver much structural change. FinTech can improve both financial stability and access to services, but this requires significant changes in the focus of regulations ( BIS ). FinTech and Financial Innovation: Drivers and Depth. This paper answers two questions that help those analyzing FinTech understand its...