La Historia de Internet (Infografía)

La empresa de software antivirus AVG, ha creado una Infografía con la Historia -resumida- del Internet, muestra las primeras apariciones de los virus más importantes, los primeros buscadores, cuando se fundaron las grandes compañías, su valor de mercado y otros datos interesantes: The History of The Internet 1969 - 2012 1969: A connection is made between The University of California Los Angeles and The Stanford Research Institute - Arpanet is born; created by the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects (Darpa) 1971: The first virus - Creeper - created 1973: Arpanet users 35 1976: Apple founded 1978: 400 Arpanet users receive the first ever spam email inviting them to a product demo US National Science Foundation creates a non-military network for American universities 1979: Arpanet user Kevin Mackenzie uses the emoticon -) 1980: Apple IPO - market cap £1.7bn 1981: Arpanet and all network users...