Algunos hechos sobre la economía mexicana (Mexico fact of the day) según algunos blogs de economía formales, serios y desde una perspectiva exterior: Is Mexico ready for its next big storm or earthquake? Pues parece ser que si: Mexico issued a brand new catastrophe bond, building on the success of its 2009 issuance. The MultiCat Mexico 2012, is a US$315 million instrument providing coverage against earthquakes and hurricanes. The beauty of these bonds is that they allow governments to get funds and protection from financial markets rather than drawing from public coffers. Mexicans say, wisely, “mejor prevenir que lamentar” or “better safe than sorry”. In this context, it means prevention and good policies save lives and money. México es el cuarto exportador de coches en el mundo por debajo de Alemania, Japón, y Corea del Sur : Six years ago, Mexico was the world’s ninth largest exporter of cars. Today the country is ranked fourth—behind Germany, Japan and South Korea—...